How VisualEyes works

Get valuable insights about your designs with a single click!

Upload your Design

Choose between our versatile web app and the design tools' plugins to upload your work. Select the target device for your design and kick start the process!

Available plugins:

FigmaAdobe XD

Process your design carefully

Our intelligent algorithms forecast user behaviour patterns based on extensive data sets from large scale studies. Design confidentiality is an essential part of our process.

Instant Results

Receive in-depth insights within seconds without leaving your design tool or browser window. Days of research compressed into a single click. Isn't that a reason to celebrate?

What leading designers say about VisualEyes

  • VisualEyes is every designer's dream. Before even creating a prototype you have the chance to see which part of your design catches user's attention and take the right decision to iterate what matters the most to get the appropriate result. It feels like having a thousand of users' eyes in front of your screen, in a second.

    Jim Tsipoutas

    Lead Designer at Betano

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  • VisualEyes is the most amazing plugin I’ve ever tried. I can know if the design has some defects even before going online, this is revolutionary. Sometimes you just can’t wait weeks for user-research results. Knowing how the page will be used is just a matter of seconds thanks to VisualEyes. It feels like having a team of researchers dedicated to you.

    Riccardo Stornelli

    UX designer at Intesa Sanpaolo

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  • Visualeyes plugin was the next best thing for the UI/UX designers. Using state of the art AI, this plugin can generate attention heatmaps in Sketch app giving instant feedback to improve the designs towards the end goal. At the end of the day, Visualeyes saves hours of work, iterations but most importantly reduces assumptions!

    Dimitris Chronopoulos

    Product Designer at Stoiximan

    Client Image
  • With this type of process (VisualEyes), the average success rate increased by 8% and our average error rate decreased by 19%, by feature, in last quarter. We have also reduced time to market, because it has no longer been necessary to release multiple variations by feature at a time, to run quantitative tests. We deliver 2 or 3 alternatives max.

    Raul Queiroz

    Head Designer at Rede D'Or São Luiz

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